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Don’t treat it yourself.

Leave it to the experts…

Lice Clinics DFW has helped thousands of families get rid of head lice in our state-of-the-art, child-friendly facilities since 2014.

Call Now! (214)227 6757

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Leader in the DFW Market

We’ve helped thousands of happy families get treated since 2014. Referred and trusted by thousands of DFW Moms, school staff and pediatricians.

We offer Air Technology

We have the air technology treatment that better fits your particular needs, your type of hair and personal preferences.

Lice Removal Services

We are the exclusive providers of the revolutionary Zyma Cool Air Technology™ so you can relax and get back to your life! The fastest and most effective treatment available to kill “Super Lice” in the DFW market.

Fast Head Lice Removal. One Visit, One Hour!

Air Therapy

Lice Clinics DFW uses unique, safe and revolutionary cool and warm air devices to kill lice and nits (lice eggs) in a single treatment in less than an hour.

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Professional Head Lice Screening

Head lice and nits are extremely difficult to see with the untrained eye –  Lice Clinics DFW technicians are experts at seeing if it’s lice with our lice screening system.

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Traditional Lice Comb-Out Treatment

In some cases a traditional comb-out may be the best option for very young children or in some people with contraindications.

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Most over-the-counter products are no longer effective against killing super lice.
The cost of your time treating at home can add up quickly.

The evolution of SUPER LICE means the over-the-counter products are ineffective, which makes it extremely difficult, time-consuming, & expensive to treat lice yourself.

1-Hour or Less

Advanced Technology

No Follow-Up Needed

Safe Ingredients



Lice Clinics - Fast, Professional Head Lice Treatments


30 Days







More than 90% of our customers have attempted treating at home before coming to us.

Why do they eventually choose us?

It's our goal to help you get your life back.

It’s our goal to help you get your life back.


Our exclusive air technology and patented process kills 100% of lice, even super lice, every time.


Doing it yourself can easily become more expensive than a professional treatment.

Fast and Effective

Treatments are completed in about an hour. Get back to your life.

Guarantee & Accountable

We are a local business that depends on providing COMPLETE customer satisfaction.


Head lice affects families and individuals of all types and all areas in Dallas/Fort Worth and surrounding communities. The more you know about them, the easier and quicker it is to treat.


What are head lice?

Head lice are tiny insects or parasites that feed on blood from the human scalp. Lice transfer from one head to another mostly by head-to-head  contact. According to the CDC there are 6-12 million cases of head lice in the United states every year. They can’t survive more than 48 hours off the head and their life span is about  30-35 days. A female louse lays about 8 eggs per day.

Who can get head lice?

Any person with hair. 

A person’s degree of cleanliness or personal hygiene has little or nothing to do with getting head lice. Lice are parasites and the head is the host – they feed on human blood from the scalp no matter how clean or dirty the hair is. If one person in your household has head lice, everyone who lives in your home or has prolonged exposure within the home — such as babysitters or overnight guests — should be screened and possibly treated by a professional. If school-age or preschool children are affected, notify their school or day care center.

What are nits and how can I tell the difference between nits and dandruff?

Nits, aka lice eggs, are quite small (0.8mm by 0.3mm) and uniform in shape. They vary in color before and after hatching, but are generally brown or tan and oval-shaped. Some look whitish after hatching but they are still tan if you place them on a white surface. Female lice lay their nits on the hair shaft close to the scalp where the temperature is perfect for keeping them warm until they hatch into baby lice (nymphs). The nits are protected from falling off the hair shaft by the ”glue” that the female louse attaches them with. They can’t be removed easily by brushing, shampooing or shaking them off like dandruff.

What are the symptoms of head lice?

The most common symptom (if any) is itchiness, which is caused as an allergic reaction to an enzyme in the bug’s saliva. Not everyone is allergic so many people don’t show any symptoms. Itchiness is also a common sensation due to a number of other reasons (dry scalp, skin conditions, hormonal changes, allergies,etc) so a screening with a lice comb is always recommended to rule out other causes.

You can also show some red bumps on your scalp, and behind the ears.

How are head lice spread?

Head lice can be spread when there is direct head-to-head contact with an infested individual. Because head lice often move rapidly through groups who have close contact, such as schoolchildren, sports teams, families and other extracurricular activities, prompt treatment with a professional service is important to minimize spread. 

It is possible, but very unlikely to get lice from sharing items such as brushes, hats, pillows, etc.

What is Super Lice and where did it come from?

A 2016 study found that resistant lice have spread to all states in the US. “Super lice”  just means that lice have become resistant to conventional OTC treatments.


If my kid has lice, how likely will I also get them?

It’s estimated that once someone in the family has been diagnosed with lice, 65% of the time someone else in the house already has them. 

Moms get lice from their kids 80% of the time. 

Siblings about 65%. Grandmothers and nannies 40% and dads about 20%. 

This is why it’s extremely important to screen all family members to avoid cross contamination. 

Why don’t Over-The-Counter (OTC) products work?

Super lice evolved because of repeated exposure to the chemicals in the most popular OTC products over nearly 50 years! Repeated exposure builds resistance, not only to that particular treatment but to virtually all similar products. Lice Clinics DFW  air technology and process actually kills both the bugs and their eggs every time.

What to do at home if I have lice ?

Most likely nothing. As lice can only survive on a human head, it’s really unlikely you will find any louse in your house (pillow, brush, sofa, carpet). 

For your peace of mind and if you want to be on the safe side:  put the clothes  that have been used in the last 2 days by those with lice in the dryer. (This includes the pillow case and hair towel). 

Brushes and combs can be placed in a bag in the freezer for a few hours. 

You don’t need to throw anything away or buy any product for your home. 

People tend to worry too much about their home and too little about checking all immediate family members. 

Why can’t I use a blow dryer, flattening Iron to kill lice?

Some people try to kill head lice with heat using an extra-hot hair dryer or flattening iron. As it takes more than 25 seconds to dehydrate lice with hot air temperature, the use of these household items  can lead to severe burns. Do not use them!. 

What do head lice and their eggs look like?

The adult louse is no bigger than a sesame seed or small rice grain and is grayish-white or tan. Nymphs are smaller. Lice eggs (often called nits) look like tiny tan, or brown oval shaped specks (one end may seem to have something that looks like a “tail”). After hatching, the remaining shell may look white or clear on the hair (but will still look tan over a white surface). 

What are some steps I can take to help prevent and control the spread of head lice?

  • Avoid head to head contact during play, sleepovers, or other activities at home, school, sports, and elsewhere.
  • If you have long hair, try to wear it on a bun or pony tail/braid so there’s less risk of coming in contact with someone else’s hair. 
  • If you have lice, make an appointment with a professional lice service to screen your entire family.
  • Do not share combs, brushes or towels used by an infested person (though this is not the common way of transmission).

What is the life cycle of head lice and their eggs?

Eggs are laid by adult female lice and are attached to the hair shaft with a glue-like substance (the female louse can lay from 5-8 eggs everyday until the female dies). It takes about 8 to 9 days to hatch into nymphs (immature lice) and another week to become adults and able to reproduce. 

Their life cycle is 30-35 days. 

Lice Clinics DFW has helped thousands of families
get rid of head lice in our state-of-the-art,
child-friendly facilities since 2014.


Cindy T

“After my hairdresser told me my child had a lice egg and she couldn’t cut her hair, we frantically searched for a place that could take care of the issue. They got us in quick. The employees and owners were amazing! The treatment was a lot less expensive than another popular place in the area. I can’t say enough great things about this business. If you ever have an issue with lice, I would only go here.”

Cindy T

Sarah D

“Three head checks and only one of us needed treatment. I didn’t feel at any point that she was trying to oversell us. After multiple prescriptions (one of which made my child vomit), over the counter treatments, combing out, washing bedding daily…. literally we battled these for almost 2 months!!!! One trip to this place and they ARE GONE!!!! The price was reasonable considering one bottle of the prescription shampoo is $400!!! Go here first! You will not regret it. Amazing service and I would give more stars if I could!”

Sarah D

Trish H

“My 7 year old is in competitive cheer and lice goes around rampant at the gym. Lice Clinics DFW worked us at the last minute. Miranda was phenomenal with head checks and then with my daughter’s treatment-even with her sensitive head. Not that I look forward to seeing them again, but if/when we have to go again I know who I can call and count on!!! Thank you so much!!!”

Trish H


Serving families throughout the entire DFW metroplex since 2014.
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